
Troubles with regular expressions in Opera and Firefox

Several months ago I've found that there is a trouble in Firefox and Opera with regular expressions create by /..../ syntax. Here is an example:
function fn1(template, name){
    var patt = /\d/g;
    var result = null;
    while ((result = patt.exec(template)) != null) {
        document.write(i + ":" + name + " - ", result, "<hr\>");

var isCalledOnce = false;

function fn2(){
    if (isCalledOnce) return;
    isCalledOnce = true;
    fn1("2,3", "fn2");

fn1("0,1", "fn1");
Expected output of this code is:
fn2 - 2
fn2 - 3
fn1 - 0
fn1 - 1
But actual output is:
fn2 - 3
fn1 - 0
fn1 - 0
fn1 - 1
It is not correct. But if you replace line 2:
var patt = /\d/g;
var patt = new RegEx("\d", "g");
All works fine. It seems that regex variable "patt" declared in "fn1" confusing FF and Opera.